Wilson SAC

SAC registration for summer 2024 will be Tuesday, March 12th at 10:00 am online only!

Make sure your account information such as grade level is current/updated before registration day. If anything needs to be updated please contact us, as you cannot make changes to our account. In addition, please make sure to request a household account BEFORE registration date. As requesting a household day of, we can not cannot guarantee one will be made in a timely manner, as we will be busy in the office assisting with registrations.

If a site you were interested in is full,  please email, tosarec@wauwatosa.k12.wi.us, to be placed on a wait list, otherwise we suggest registering for a site that might still be open.

Abby Claussen

Abby Claussen

Wilson SAC Program Coordinator


Email Abby Claussen


Wilson SAC Co-Site Supervisor

Mr. Malik


Wilson SAC Co-Site Supervisor

Ms. Bella


Wilson SAC Site Supervisor Assistant

Ms. Sarah